About Open-NFP Cloud

Open-NFP now offers cloud virtual machines (VMs) with the Netronome Programmer Studio IDE and other useful developer tools pre-installed. We have also created a cloud infrastructure that networks VMs with the IDE to a pool of servers with the Agilio ISAs. To learn or develop new code, a researcher can login to these VMs through Remote Desktop Protocol, from any location. From the VM, the developer can download the code to a server with Agilio ISAs to test and debug it.


Cloud-based access offers many benefits:

  • It lowers the cost and logistic barriers to using Agilio. We can offer immediate access to a server with an Agilio and a traffic generator. Developers can use the system to experiment with Agilio software and/or learn/develop P4 code.
  • We offer tutorials and hands-on labs at any location and on demand. We recently offered a hands-on lab session to 100 attendees at the P4 Language Consortium developer day in Santa Clara using servers in Santa Clara and Pittsburgh.
  • The infrastructure itself can be service to researchers offering their own lectures and labs. Researchers from the University of Luxembourg demonstrated the labs on open-nfp to their attendees at a tutorial in Korea, using a VM in the cloud and servers in Santa Clara.

If you are interested in using the cloud infrastructure in any way, please contact us at info@open-nfp.org.